Is the Pi network the future of cryptocurrency?There are four roles that Pi users can play, such as Pi miners.

 Is the Pi network the future of cryptocurrency?

In today's world, the increasing use of technology in our daily lives makes us constantly looking for the best option. Cryptocurrency is the next natural step in currency conversion. We have seen the impact of Bitcoin on the world and other small currencies. They are changing the world we live in every day, albeit slowly. New users embracing new technologies are pushing us to become a better world. Pi is the first digital currency for everyday people, representing a step forward in the adoption of cryptocurrency globally. Their goal is ‘To create a cryptocurrency platform with smart contracts protected and operated by everyday people.

I strongly believe in the saying 'The freer the money the freer the people. ‘The same idea applies here with Pi. They want to make it a digital currency that is free in the world and available to everyone who owns a smartphone. This is great news as we have now seen that the world's largest cryptos are made in large factories with ASIC devices. This limits the availability of the coin and makes it difficult for the average user to interact with it.

Currency developers have developed a new trading algorithm, called the Stellar Consensus Protocol. (SCP) was formed by David Mazieres who is a professor of Computer Science at Stanford and also serves as Chief Scientist at the Stellar Development Foundation. SCP uses a method called Federated Byzantine Agreements to ensure that updates to the Stellar blockchain are accurate and reliable.

There are four roles that Pi users can play, such as Pi miners.

The Pi network has not yet reached Mainnet so some of the features may change if that happens. The second phase is currently being used and it is an open opportunity for developers to include Pi in their programs. I have been using the entire Network role and some may change, for example, Node. At the time of this writing, it does not reward you with a Pi for the service you perform, however, the devs are looking at the data and will make the change when the time comes.

She is a pioneer. User of the Pi mobile app just confirms that they are not a "robot" on a daily basis. This user confirms their presence every time they sign in to the app. They can also open an application to request a transaction (e.g. pay a Pi to another Pioneer added in the second phase of)

Contributor. User of the Pi mobile app that offers a list of pioneers they know and trust. Collectively, Pi donors will build a reliable global graph.

Ambassador. User of the Pi mobile app that introduces other users to the Pi network.

Node method. A pioneer, contributing user using the Pi mobile app, and using the Pi node software on their desktop or laptop. Pi node software is software that uses the main SCP algorithm, taking into account reliable graph information provided by Providers.

Proof-of-Work vs Stellar Consensus Protocol

All bitcoin sites compete in solving a cryptographic puzzle. Because the solution is found randomly, in fact the node that receives the solution first, fortunately, is selected as the cycle leader that produces the next block. This algorithm is called "Proof of operation" and results in the use of multiple forces.

Pi uses another type of consensus algorithms and is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm called the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). Such algorithms do not have power wastes but need to be exchanged for multiple network messages in order for the nodes to "agree" on what the next block should be. Each node can independently determine whether a transaction is valid or not, e.g. the authority to make changes and double spending, based on cryptographic signature and transaction history. However, in order for the computer network to agree on which transactions will be recorded in the block and the order of these transactions in blocks, they need to send each other messages and have multiple voting cycles to agree.

One criticism the BFT system finds to be in one place because voting is involved, a set of nodes participating in voting for "Quorum: determined by the program creator at the beginning of it. by verifying other nodes in the network as reliable. Each node in the network forms a piece of quorum, which contains other nodes in the network that they deem reliable.

War Mining Review

I have been using their app for over a month now and I have never noticed any issues with my use of the device. I have continued to use my phone as a major source of activity or play and have never noticed a difference in performance, battery drain, or network speed. You must remember to press the button to start mines when the 24-hour period has expired. The app also doesn't infiltrate you with notifications or anything, it actually stays there and generates a PI. For the record, I have a SamsungGalaxy A70.

The growth of the group you find greatly increases the rewards you receive, so if any of you are interested in joining me and jumping forward with my invitation code: FuturaGuy


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