Here are 5 blogging skills needed to become a good blogger

 Here are 5 blogging skills needed to become a good blogger

SEO blogging skills

Goal setting and tracking

Traffic conversion skills

Marketing skills

Time management skills

SEO blogging skills

The world of Blogger SEOT is very difficult and stressful.

But only if you let it be that way.

Snatch all the Google algorithm technology, which makes your blog SEO-friendly come down to the principles I mentioned - EAT:




This was part of Google's Medicic update, and in fact, I'm surprised that this didn't always work.

Think that why someone will be come to your blog. Because you are at the top of the search engine results pages - SERPs. Why are you first on the first page? Because the search engine looks at your page to directly answer a search query.

That's part of the equation profession - you have to establish yourself as a professional blogger. Combine this with your content and use direct language. You are a bandage for this search problem.

While doing so, go into the field and dig deeper into the subject. You do not have to create a 10,000-word blog post; instead, break the topic into different areas and lead your student on a journey. 2,000 to 3,000 word posts are enough for most of us.

Do not leave a stone unturned. By covering all topics related to the post you are writing, you will create them as an authority.

Don’t force it, though. The key is to blog about something you are already interested in. Anything  will mean you dont  lose interest quickly, and if you lose interest, so will your audience.

Over time, and as long as you provide valuable information, you will build trust. You want your blog to be the # 1 source for people to come to find the information they need. In doing so, they need to be able to trust that what they are blogging about is trustworthy.

Here's where you can build on that trust by linking to another official site on a related topic.

When you make a statement or a claim, do not simply ignore it. Point the reader to the original source, then verify that the site is a recognized authority, too. Speaking of .gov and .edu domains there is a random trading platform that automatically releases the generated data.

You can also include experts in your field of blogging. For example, if you were blogging with essay writing skills, did you know that this type of material can be downloaded for EssayPro?

Honestly and honestly, you will improve the following and SEO will happen as you know your audience and understand what information they are looking for.

Setting goals and tracking a blogger

I went through the motions when it came to scoring goals. Many times I sat down and did something and it overflowed.

Why is that?

Simple - there was no end goal. I had no stated purpose.

I knew what I wanted to do, but the goal was not clear without a goal.

Don't let this be you. By increasing your goal-setting skills, you will be more productive when it actually works.

Think about how great it would be to get up, do your morning routine and sit down at the beginning of the activity. No confusion surrounding what to do next, just work.

This is possible because you already have an established goal - 10 years, 5 years, 3 years, current year, month, week and day. I find that writing down one day’s goal brings benefits to productivity.

The result of this knock is that I get more blogging done, and I really enjoy it, too. Why? Because I know it brings me closer to my ultimate goal.

It doesn’t help to just have a goal, though. You need to track your performance as you go. So, if your goal this year is to have 100,000 views for three consecutive months, have a chart elsewhere on your wall in the space of your office that follows this.

It should be clearly accessible - do not have a neatly completed spreadsheet; it is actually visible all the time. This will further guide you to reach your goal.

Traffic conversion skills

If you want to make money with your blog in any way, whether it’s for ad revenue, affiliate marketing, body product marketing or e-book, you need to know how to change traffic.

There are many ways to do this, and many bloggers take this too far by blasting the reader with upsell and jargon jar, frankly, but viewers are closed.

People love free stuff. So, give them something for free by exchanging their name and email address. This could be a free e-book or a top 10 list of things related to your niche and blog. This not only satisfies their need for relevant information, but also satisfies their emotional motivation.

Emotional causes can be important for the success of your blog, and this comes from knowing your audience and what they want and then incorporating this into your blog. Google Webmaster Tools helps with this, and you can see exactly what street search terms you use to find your pages.

By establishing yourself as an authority with content related to these search terms, you will begin to build trust - remember "EAT" from the top?

Know what your fans want and the fruits of your labor will eventually grow. Collaborate with your fans to improve this. Ask them questions on your social media and encourage viewers to leave comments on the blog post.

Have you ever heard of a speech, good luck followed? It's a great summary, but it's true. When a follower responds to your social media question or leaves a comment on a post on your blog, REPLY!

Don't leave them hanging without an answer - this will appear as if you don't care. Involve your fans to change traffic, and build that kind of loyalty.

Blogger marketing skills

Remember that when you develop your blog, you are marketing yourself.

I love Simon Sinek's rating:

Simon Sinek


This sounds true in the field of some kind of endless blogging. If someone relies on your opinion on something, they may continue to follow you and buy according to your recommendations.

However, when they make that decision, it is not because of the height of your sales, but because of who you are as a person.

Many of the skills I have already mentioned include marketing:

Content creation


Changing traffic

Social networking sites

They are all marketing strategies, so whenever you do any of these, remember to establish yourself as a brand with your blog.

I know more than a blogger or two who like to have an alter-ego so they don’t come out in the light, and that’s understandable. However, by combining social media marketing and blogging, great results are possible.

Consider accessing your contacts on social media, for example. Share their content, contribute to guest posts or create collaborations. The worst thing you can possibly find is not.

Don't be afraid to install DM, no matter how big it is in the industry or niche. They respond, and tomorrow, it may answer you.

Every time you get one step closer to yes. Just remember that all your social actions point to you and your product; he is always marketing himself.

Time management skills
Stop being so busy.

I know you do, don't deceive yourself! Heck, I used to be bad there.

We silly people seem to create jobs for it; and, in my experience, we do so to remove things that we find difficult. I did write this post!

However, we are aware of serotonin-high success.

An important blogger's ability to improve is to increase the success rates of time management, and the killer of time management to create to-do lists.

They just don't have to be there. You have to decide what to do immediately.

Instead, carry a notebook and pen near your workplace or with you at all times. My challenge for you is to have only one thing to win the next day.

Have your next day's work written last night, so when you wake up the next day, you know exactly what you need to accomplish.

There is only one thing, but it needs to be the most important work that needs to be done, no matter how difficult or easy.

I'll give you a clue - that job has to be tough because those are the hard things we're putting off. Of course, doing a lot of simple tasks can create energy, but it can ruin your time management.

To ensure that those low things are done, cut your day into segments, and not overwork. Sorry, ladies!

Be a debt collector, browse for social media, play a video game and watch the Netflix series, or any other form of entertainment you use.

I love Simon rating:


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