Here are 35 blog topic and blog ideas to get you thinking on what to write about.
Don’t know what to blog about?
There are blogs on almost every topic you can think of, but that doesn't mean they're all right
But knowing what you are blogging for is not always easy. Blog ideas and blog topics are not always easy to dream of.
We had the challenge of blogging for a while back, and we tested participants on the topic ideas they were thinking about for their blogs. They didn’t use all of these blog ideas, but most of them got used to it.
(Some of our favorite and creative blog posts are highlighted in bold.)
- Self-improvement / self-improvement (how you overcame an obstacle or started a new habit, and what you learned)
- Health and fitness of busy people
- Learning a new language
- Budget travel (great hotel deals, travel tips)
- Writing / writing / writing style copy
- Animal rescue
- Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc.)
- Social dynamics and communication skills
- Working in unfamiliar technologies while the environment is independent
- Making your own ______ at home
- Cooking for childless couples
- Men's Guidelines for Women's Communication
- Technology used in small business (credit card processing, customer relationship management, email marketing, etc.
- Blogging on special foods (we have a course in this!)
- Cyberbullying / cyber bullying
- Behavioral problems in children
- Weight training
- Business education for young children and adults
- Disc golfing
- DIY projects, DIY business and selling their own products
- How can you have a strong marriage?
- How to be a good friend
- How to train a triathlon
- Jobs vs occupations: following your love
- Obtaining an AWS certificate
- Getting a Microsoft Certified
- The best burgers in your city / state / country
- Livelihoods (growing your own food, using solar energy, living on a grid, etc.)
- Mindfulness (mind over story / good dream)
- Without the basics of personal financial management
- Healthy eating in times of stress
- Ghost hunting
- Home cooking ****
- Self-defense ("for women" or "children" or "business managers")
- Again Use Plagiarism Remover Tool
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